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2D Walk cycle

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April 2021

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This is my final year project from university. On this page you can follow my progress and see my creative process along the way. 



Out in space, the planets come together for therapy. One is dying, one can’t control their gas and one is in a world of their own
The sun holds a group therapy meeting for the planets to talk about their well being. They get distracted by each others chaotic characteristics, end up arguing and discuss virtually nothing before leaving, feeling worse than they did upon entering the room.

Story Boards

Alternative opening:  

Originally the sun was going to be looking in a mirror and admiring them self as i wanted to present them as a self centred character as being the centre of the universe quite literally however the I consulted with different audiences and they preferred the sun being meditating as it later looses control and shouts due to all the planets driving the sun crazy because of their arguing 

Planets Aligned.jpg

This is the full story board for my Major Animation Project

Final Story Board:  

Planets Aligned.png
Planets Aligned (1).jpg
Planets Aligned (2).jpg
Planets Aligned (3).jpg
Planets Aligned (4).jpg


With the animatic, I used proxy sound and voiced it myself to get a feel for the over all project and pace it would run at. This is helpful to get visualise how the piece will look and if the right tone is created.

Puppet Plans

Planets Aligned (5).png
Planets Aligned (4).png
Planets Aligned (3).png
Planets Aligned (2).png
Planets Aligned (6).png

Set Plans

Planets Aligned (7).png

Puppet Building

Set Buidling

Test Shots

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